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Community Leaders / Online Educators (Management Team)

(Multiple Continents/Regions)

onlinelabseries is a 100% non-profit online education & skills training learning platform & community. Since it was founded in late March 2018, onlinelabseries has managed to secure 14 brand partners with major tech companies like Silicon Labs, STMicroelectronics, Mouser, Samtec Inc, JetBrains, Axosoft, 4D Systems, Lascar Electronics and so much more. In the very short span that the learning platform has existed, we have also partnered with DesignSpark, a maker's community created by RS Components, with over 657K members to date. In collaboration with DesignSpark, OLS has aims to reach a total of 1.5 million members worldwide by 2020, and also reach 3 million members by 2022. We plan to raise a total of US$598 million by 2020 in order to fulfill our pledge of sending out 500,000 iPad Pros and 250,000 education kits (Educational Gift Packs).

With the immense growth and demand right now, it is clear that we need to expand our non-profit management team. I am currently looking for individuals from each major continent around the world, and since I am based in Asia, that is quite easy to take care of. I will need people from regions like:


  1. Australia / New Zealand

  2. East Asia (China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan)

  3. Middle East region

  4. Africa

  5. Central Europe

  6. Russia

  7. East Coast of America

  8. West Coast of America

  9. Central America

  10. Latin America


(Please note that this is a non-profit online learning platform and thus, there really isn't a monetary benefit to doing this at this early stage. If you are interested to be a part, know that you will be volunteering your time, energy, knowledge, skills to help the learning platform continue to expand its reaches to every corner of the world. We depend solely on product sponsorship from our global partners, and we depend a lot on the donations from the public and community members. Nobody is coerced or felt obligated in any way to give.)




  • Your main role will be a leadership position on the management team. You will form part of the Core Management Team of onlinelabseries. Specifics of the roles can always be discussed internally during our conference call to know more about you.

  • You will help to manage our online communities/social networks/groups as there will be new and existing community members in your region/continent

  • You will also play the role of an advocate, helping to promote and educate people about the learning platform, and getting more people to help support the cause.

  • You will also have a role in helping with the gathering of donations to help our learning platform reach its goals by 2020 and 2022, taking the initiative to create donation drives within your own region and community area.




  • At this stage, the most important responsibility you will have is to help the community to continue growing.

  • Constantly gathering feedbacks from people within the community, finding out what they need and what they think.

  • Participate in a weekly call to update me about the progress, any new updates within your region, any potential new partnership opportunities that we can explore.

  • Helping to monitor the content (comments) that community members are posting to our online pages, website and so on.


On a final note, I know that I have mentioned above that this management role is currently more of a volunteering-basis, but in the near future, if we do raise more than enough funds, each of us might just be able to withdraw some kind of monthly allowance to help us with our own personal finances. It's basically meant to be a token of appreciation for your involvement and it's not meant to make us feel financially comfortable or rich. onlinelabseries is really about giving back to the community, pay it forward. It's about what we can give to the world and not what the world can give us.


Make sure to drop me an email if you find that this cause is something you will be interested to be a part of. And I would also love to hear your thoughts about it. What do you see yourself doing in the next 3-5 years with regards to onlinelabseries?




(Please kindly include your LinkedIn Profile as well as a list of any volunteering work you have done before, as well as any online education or videos that you have created before as well.)



© 2018 by onlinelabseries. Powered by

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