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At last, we want to wish you all a great time of learning on onlinelabseries!

Introducing a Full-Fledge Lab Series Surrounding Silicon Labs

We are so absolutely delighted to share this amazing announcement. This week, we have officially brought Silicon Labs onboard to our onlinelabseries brand partnership. This brand partnership marks a huge and significant milestone for us as a learning platform & community. Founded in 1996, Silicon Labs has since shipped more than 7 billion devices worldwide, making them one of the largest players in the semiconductors manufacturing industry. In the past 3-4 weeks, we have also been speaking to a number of different major players like Microchip Technologies, STMicroelectronics & Texas Instruments. A few others are also on our list, but no communications have officially been established yet. But we certainly hope to make some headway in the coming days and weeks.

A Whole Year of Awesome Live Lab Sessions

Over the next 12 months, we will be bringing a full-fledged live lab series to OLS, which will focus strongly on the products by Silicon Labs. Not only that, we will provide a very good illustration and demonstration of how their products can be put into action with other complementary products like sensors and various IoT solutions. This lab series will be the biggest lab series partnership we have secured to date, with a strong potential of extending beyond the first year into the second. With so many available products in their portfolio, it is quite obvious that we will not be able to cover all their products in a single year (even if we really wanted to). Hence, we will be strategising our content delivery and lab curricular in such a way that we can cover as much as we can within a single year, but yet not make it too condensed that learners don't actually learn something substantial.

Lab Series Overview:

52~60 Live Lab Sessions (including new product showcases, if any)

104~120 companion articles (2 per lab session)

Duration: 12 months

Hence, we will be strategising our content delivery and lab curricular in such a way that we can cover as much as we can within a single year, but yet not make it too condensed that learners don't actually learn something substantial.

Providing a Good Coverage of their Product Range

One of the most important things on our agenda is to make sure that we provide a good coverage of their product portfolio, which means we will attempt to cover some of the key products within each use-case portfolio that they have. It might sound like there is a lot to cover, but we also believe that this will help to make the lab series contain a whole lot more substances.

What this might also mean is that we might not be able to dive in too deep into each of their products in the first year. What we will do is that, we will provide a good "first time" user to a "intermediate level" applications learning experience. On top of that, we will also provide enough project idea showcases and product applications showcases. This showcases will help the learners to understand the kind of problems the products can be used to solve, which should be pretty good for the first-time users as well as potential customers watching the sessions and rebroadcasts to understand more about some of the products they are thinking of getting.

This showcases will help the learners to understand the kind of problems the products can be used to solve, which should be pretty good for the first-time users as well as potential customers watching the sessions and rebroadcasts to understand more about some of the products they are thinking of getting.

At the current moment, our intentions for the second year would be to deep dive more into each of the product ranges that are available. Think of it like being in the first and second year of university. The first year will help to lay out the foundations and the second year we will focus on more in-depth product applications and knowledge.

We like to believe that by the time we are "done" with the lab series, you would've become somewhat of an expert in Silicon Lab's products.

A Strong Focus on Product Applications & Projects Showcases

With a huge brand and manufacturer like Silicon Labs, or even Microchip, or STMicroelectronics for that matter, there will always be a lot of products to cover, and they are all amazing too. But how to you focus on building substance into the learning content? The answer is simply - to use product applications and project showcases.

If you only teach and educate people about a product based upon what is written on paper, there is a very good chance they are going to forget it later. But if you can show them how it works, and what it's functionalities can do, and how they do it, people tend to register that much more easily and it will stick with them. They will be able to remember which product can help to solve what kind of problems months after they have learned about it.

But if you can show them how it works, and what it's functionalities can do, and how they do it, people tend to register that much more easily and it will stick with them.

With a brand like Silicon Labs, we do not want to miss a thing, and we certainly want you [the learners] to be able to gain every bit of knowledge you can about those products and how you can make the best of them within your own IoT related projects.


At this point, we really want to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to Oivind from Silicon Labs for actually helping us to facilitate that communication for the brand partnership to take place. Know that what you have done by that very action will one day help millions of people get trained in a different skill and to be able to find better jobs, feed their families, invent new ideas and so much more. And we also want to thank the team at Silicon Labs for the support of our lab series for the next 12 months (and possibly even more).

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