Hey folks, we are finally back with another official announcement. Earlier today, we managed to secure a partnership with Lascar Electronics, a brand that designs and creates display products for meters, touchscreen displays as well as data logging devices. Formed in 1977, Lascar Electronics was started in a garage in Essex, England.
About the Lab Series
For the purpose of this dedicated lab series, we will be putting our focus upon the PanelPilot Product Series, and we will also dedicated a portion of the lab series on their available tools and software that will support your smart display UI design needs. The official start date for the lab series is still in the works, but once we have more details confirmed, we will official announce the date on our website. So make sure to stay tuned.
What Can You Expect?
In conjunction with the "Smart Display + CX + UX" learning path, we will be placing a stronger emphasis on how to design User Interfaces with smart displays that delivers a consistent User Experience + Consumer Experience. Regardless of whether your plans are to design an interface for Industrial use or Commercial purposes, during this lab series, we are going to focus a lot on what can be done using the software environment made available to us by Lascar Electronics. This will definitely include both introductory as well as in-depth topics. So there will always be something for everyone.
Total Lab Sessions: approx. 30~35 live sessions
Companion Articles: approx. 60~70 (dependent on the no. of live sessions)
Duration of the Lab Series: approx. 7.5 months ~ 9 months
During the lab series, we will also be exploring some useful product applications as well as how they can be integrated with other electronic components, sensors and development boards. So make sure to stay tuned for the series and to follow us as we explore the full potential of what each PanelPilot product can do.
Once again, we welcome Lascar Electronics to onlinelabseries! We are so delighted to welcome you to be a part of the OLS community. Here's to lots of amazing content coming soon!