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Testing Tools, Scopes & Other Useful Electronics Equipment

(An Article by Sherman Chen)


So, just a quick moment ago, I was browsing the RoadTest web section by Element14 and I came across an opportunity that I simply couldn't resist. The Rohde & Schwarz Digital Oscilloscope with it's up-sized kit. Included is an upgrade to 1GHz bandwidth!!

While exploring the product's information under the RoadTest description, I couldn't help but realise that this testing equipment is precisely what I am going to need in the long run, especially with the requirements that is needed as I start thinking about the project ideas and product applications for the brands we are going to feature. Then it struck me. When it comes to engineering and building of projects/products, you need to be equipped with all the right tools. And among those tools is the indispensable DSO (which stands for Digital Storage Oscilloscope).

When it comes to engineering and building of projects/products, you need to be equipped with all the right tools. And among those tools is the indispensable DSO

Featuring of Digital Oscilloscopes on onlinelabseries

Is there a specific brand that we are looking at? Well, honestly if you ask me, there are so many different brands out there, really good ones. And to be frank, I really don't have a preference. Like I was sharing with Markku from 4D Systems, a really good engineer is someone who knows how to maintain neutrality when it comes to picking the right tools for the right job. Then again, most of the time, you only need to make the purchase of such equipment maybe once every few years or if the project requirements need something higher-end.

But as different brands and companies start partnering with us, it is clear that we really need to upgrade our tools. I like to see this as a good kind of problem to have.

Now, let's be realistic too, some of the really good DSOs on the market can cost over $10K, sometimes even $20, $30K. Well, running a free learning platform like onlinelabseries certainly won't let me afford tools like that. But as different brands and companies start partnering with us, it is clear that we really need to upgrade our tools. I like to see this as a good kind of problem to have. I do have a 200MHz DSO by Hantek, it's great by the way, I use it a lot these days. But then again, it presents a limitation when I think about some of the real world product applications I really want to showcase. Let's just say, some of these product applications can really help to solve real-world problems...potentially at least.

I will officially state that I don't think there is a particular preference at the moment regarding which brand we want to use. I think to each brand and model and range, there are specific strengths and weaknesses as well. But definitely, we will also want to review the brand who decides to sponsor us a brand spanking new DSO, as well as the actual DSO itself, making sure it's specs are enough to fulfill all our project requirements in the coming year(s).

Logic Analyzers / Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes (MSO)

Just a side-thought that I had. It is so interesting that just 5 years ago, I was a total stranger to many of the terms and names that I now know at the back of my hands.

The next category of testing tools that I find indispensable are the logic analyzers. Personally, I already own the Analog Discover 2 as well as the Digital Discovery by Digilent. Amazing products by the way. Both students and professionals will love it. And I will likely be using them every now and then during the future lab series, so don't worry, you are going to hear me talk about them and touch on their usage when I do feature them. The one thing that I still desire to have from Digilent is the OpenScope, which I haven't actually bought from them (no budget).

This is my Digital Discovery.
This is my Digital Discovery. (Sorry if it's kinda blur)

In most cases, if you are learning electronics or wanting to identify the signals and data that is being transmitted board-to-board and you don't have the kind of budget to afford a high-end DSO, well, these pocket-sized scopes are the best alternative you can find. There is actually another brand, called Saleae, but hey man, just being honest, they cost a bomb. I can buy FIVE Digilent's Digital Discovery for the price of ONE Salaeae Logic Pro 16. So, nah, for anyone whose looking to learn electronics or starting out as a maker, I strongly recommend look at Digilent instead. You'd be better investing your money there. But hey, if you think you have a lot of money to spare, sure, go ahead with Saleae. I actually have been having the desire to test and review Saleae Logic Pro 16 (the real one, cause there are many fake ones out there now), but let's just say they haven't been very kind to sponsor me with one.

Any Other Testing Tools

Speaking of testing tools, I did discover that the company Lascar Electronics actually do sell some pretty interesting testing scopes and tools. Perhaps as part of the partnership, I might actually request for some of their testing tools as well. And I will definitely do a write-up about those tools and my recommendations.


One of the most common and inexpensive tools any budding maker and engineer will need is a multimeter. In my room/workspace, I have a multimeter which I bought over 6 months ago. It's really cheap and it works just fine. Though I would love to try other brands and do some comparison, my point here is you should invest in a multimeter for your workbench. It is one of those things you will bring with you when you need to do a field test with your project/prototype.


Alright, so, we are almost done with this article. Calling all DSO makers, anyone of you want to sponsor your products to us and let it be featured in potentially hundreds of live streaming sessions/showcases in the coming 12 months? I don't know, but seriously, I think that should be extremely attractive. You sponsor 1 product, and say 10 people buys from you, or even 2 people buy from you over the next year and you will have earned the money back. But okay, if the product you can offer to sponsor is really good, I will do my best to encourage people to invest in it. Maybe with a little bit of discount nice.

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