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The Big Brothers of Development Boards, Microcontrollers and More

Recently added Silicon Labs & Maxim into the group
Recently added Silicon Labs & Maxim into the group

Hey everyone, seeing that it's Labor day today, most people around the world would either be chilling in the morning with a nice breakfast, a cup of hot coffee and perhaps catching on the latest tech news. Well, we at onlinelabseries is all about generating great content, so if you are here to find out what is going on and what is happening next, we have just the right stuff for you.

Introducing the Big Brothers of Microcontroller & Development Board Makers

We have been doing a lot of research online lately, trying to compare what we would consider to be the best and most relevant companies when it comes to microcontrollers, development boards & general electronic components/devices. If you do a search online, you will find that there are so many different semiconductor manufacturers in the world today, but that is not really our main focus here. We want to shortlist the top brands that not only make microcontrollers, but they also create products that help developers to understand how to use their products.

  • It is great if your company makes great products (perhaps only you know that it's great), but what about your potential customers?

  • How would they really know for sure if your product is really great?

  • How would they be able to test your product in an easy-to-use environment?

  • With so many different options available, how would you have the time and resources to try out all the different products to know which one will actually help you to solve a particular problem in the more effective way?

This is where development boards really come in handy. They are products that have everything soldered on with a nice USB-port that allows developers to easily plug the component to their laptops and start coding on it, running the code and see it light up LEDs, or even control the movement of a servo motor. Some of these products even have onboard debugger features, which is fantastic because developers can actually "step through" their program to see how the memory is handled, and if there were any errors in the program, where was the error and so on.

Another great reason is because these different lab series (dedicated to each brand) will each deep-dive into some of the more real-world use-cases and product applications and explain how they can be used to help solve certain problems. So instead of needing to spend tens of thousands or hundred of thousands of dollars in R & D, now (speaking in future present tense) you have a content database that will actually provide you with all the answers you really need.

So instead of needing to spend tens of thousands or hundred of thousands of dollars in R & D, now (speaking in future present tense) you have a content database that will actually provide you with all the answers you really need.

Partnering with the Best Brands

Being the best also means that their products are being used, in a large capacity, anywhere around the world.

We think it is important for us to be clear here about what really constitutes as Best. Best means brands that not only makes great products, but also products that are made safe, easy to test, and low-cost. Being the best also means that their products are being used, in a large capacity, anywhere around the world. What that means is that their products are accessible regardless of where you might be living or working right now. This is extremely crucial to our lab series and our partnership philosophy. We want to showcase brands with products that have an international presence. With that level of presence, anyone who learns about your product can stay relevant in their industry wherever they are, which also means it will be much easier for them to find a job if that is what they need, or even to recommend the products for an on-going research project.

...anyone who learns about your product can stay relevant in their industry wherever they are, which also means it will be much easier for them to find a job if that is what they need, or even to recommend the products for an on-going research project.

The 6 big brothers as we would like to call them, are Microchip Technologies, NXP, STMicroelectronics, Silicon Labs, Maxim Integrated & Texas Instruments.

The best thing about working with them would be the amount of content we can potentially generate.

In the above slideshow, you will find 6 amazing companies which we have shortlisted and they are also featured on our partner's webpage. They are not our official partners at the moment (hence they are under the "Partners We Would Like to Work With" section), but we are keen to collaborate and partner with them to bring their comprehensive products to onlinelabseries. The best thing about working with them would be the amount of content we can potentially generate. If you were to dig in to their product catalog, you will probably agree with me that 1 full year of lab series content and companion articles are never going to be enough for each of those brands we have just showcased. As a matter of fact, as we are reaching out to some of them right now, we did propose the high possibility of having a "Season Two" in the lab series after the first year of lab curriculum.

We most definitely look forward to working with all of those brands on onlinelabseries, each brand with their own dedicated lab series, on top of that, there are also crossover lab sessions where certain components and products will be featured in other lab series where the components are relevant or a complement to the product being showcased. That potentially also means each of these brands will have more lab sessions than any other brands. We would estimate the total number of lab sessions that each brand's products will appear in to be somewhere between 80 to 100 lab sessions over a period of 1 year.

We would estimate the total number of lab sessions that each brand's products will appear in to be somewhere between 80 to 100 lab sessions over a period of 1 year.

Here's Why You Should Work with OLS

So, if you are thinking, "Why should I be working with OLS (short for onlinelabseries)?" The answer is clearly very simply. onlinelabseries is a very focused learning content platform. What that means is that we don't just showcase every available brand on the market, we only want to showcase the best and the most relevant. What that also means is that your content will be placed among the best of the best. Another very crucial factor and reason is also because of our dedication to the content standards. At OLS, we will be constantly striving to generate content of such high-quality that one day, online learning will be as close to an expensively paid physical workshop experience as possible.

At OLS, we will be constantly striving to generate content of such high-quality that one day, online learning will be as close to an expensively paid physical workshop experience as possible.

Last but not the least, we believe that your brands will continue to remain relevant in the industry and not only that, you are the leading brands. With that kind of stability and success, your influence will continue to grow and expand, and it will also create more skilled-jobs for those whose seeking employment and a career change to Technology and Engineering.

If none of those reasons seem compelling enough, how about getting your brand out to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people worldwide. On top of that, you will also be part of the biggest movement to help bring skills training & development to millions around the world. Creating more jobs and driving more innovation anywhere your presence is felt. will also be part of the biggest movement to help bring skills training & development to millions around the world.
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