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At last, we want to wish you all a great time of learning on onlinelabseries!

Welcoming Our First Full-Fledged Lab Series with 4D Systems

As a community & platform, one of our most important commitments is to the showcasing of the best brands there is on the market, whether is it in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering or even Mathematics (STEM). And today, we are really excited and happy to announce the official partnership between onlinelabseries as well as 4D Systems. 4D Systems has been around since 1990, which in reality makes them a really reputable company.

For any company that has been around for really long, it can be a serious challenge to sometimes remain relevant with the times, to follow with the trends. But that is not the case for 4D Systems, in fact, from what we can see and experience with their products before, they are setting new trends as we speak.

As a community & platform, one of our most important commitments is to the showcasing of the best brands there is on the market

...the main reason we wanted to showcase them so badly is because we know that they are going to continue their "world domination" streak in the months and years to come.

Sure, as an end user, you can say that we do have some thoughts about how the product, or their design tools can be improved, or made better, but the main reason we wanted to showcase them so badly is because we know that they are going to continue their "world domination" streak in the months and years to come.

48 Live Lab Sessions + 96 Companion Articles + Potentially 12 months worth of Lab Content

With our first major partnership with 4D Systems, we are ready to bring you some of the

"best of the best" lab content possible. We've already proposed a 48 Lab Session + 96 Companion Article collaboration between us and them. But on top of that, we will also throw in a few extra sessions to showcase and help announce their new product launch that will be happening soon.

...we will also throw in a few extra sessions to showcase and help announce their new product launch that will be happening soon

All in all, you are in for a major treat. This lab series will have enough content for us to plan a major curriculum that will stretch out evenly over a one-year period, which for some folks, it will be a perfect way to plan your learning path and time commitment.

If you are a working professional, know that we will also be doing our best to arrange and plan the series in a somewhat topical manner. Which also means, you can focus on a particular track that best suits your needs. However, because the entire lab series will be based upon a live streaming experience, the only way you can experience the content in a somewhat topical manner is if you are visiting us after the lab series is over. Nonetheless, we believe that with 4D System's wide array of products, which also means there will always be something for everyone. The key would be to design and develop a curriculum that is both well-structured and evenly topical. More details regarding the lab series curriculum will be released to the community at a later date.

The key would be to design and develop a curriculum that is both well-structured and evenly topical.

P.S. if you are reading this article a year from now, that means the series is probably over, or in a break before Season Two. Lol. Then you can basically skip the recorded videos and just focus on the topics that you really want to learn. At the time of typing this article, all we can say is that we will do our best to sort the learning content in the best way possible to aid your learning experience. That's a promise.

Planning the Curriculum

The discussions have already begun between the leader of our community, Sherman as well as Markku Riihonen, the Products and Business Development Manager of 4D Systems (European region). We have already made the necessary samples requests and they have also offered to send us a few other items that will be extremely helpful in the planning and execution of the lab series. So here's a huge shoutout to say, thank you Markku!

And though we are still finalising on the best date to kick-off the lab series for 4D Systems, make no mistake, this is going to be a virtual lab experience unlike any other. We are currently also speaking to representatives from the Livestream/Vimeo team, trying to secure some kind of sponsorship/partnership support for our platform. We believe something amazing is going to happen in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, we are going to wait with great anticipation and excitement for the samples to arrive from 4D Systems in the coming days and week ahead. Make sure to stay tuned to our articles & Instagram account as we will be posting lots of photos! Have a great weekend and week ahead folks!

And we have something for them...and official seal from us!

Welcome 4D Systems to onlinelabseries! *blowing party horns*

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